Outline (Partially) Reappears on Landmass without Outline

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Outline (Partially) Reappears on Landmass without Outline

Post by outzenj » Sat Jun 26, 2021 3:02 pm

OWM 1.04 on Windows (though I noticed it on 1.03 as well).

This is pretty simple to recreate:

Draw a Landmass.
Select the Landmass and uncheck the Outline check box.
Draw a Region anywhere on the Landmass. (This also seems to work with any tool that has points, e.g. border, line, water, etc.)
Select the Region.
Click the Edit Shape Tool.

Sometimes the entire outline appears; sometimes it's just part of the outline. This seems to be based on the size of the Region.

This seems to be a cosmetic issue, as it doesn't effect exports and doesn't show up after reloading the map. It is possible to fix the outline by checking and then unchecking the Outline check box on the Landmass.

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Re: Outline (Partially) Reappears on Landmass without Outline

Post by Kyete » Tue Sep 07, 2021 6:09 pm

Thank you for the steps! I was able to reproduce the issue and have added it to our list. It seems to be caused by the rerender after the use of the points edit tool, since if you select the landmass with the points edit, then switch to the region, the entire landmass outline shows back up again.


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