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Variable Color Options for Features

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 11:05 pm
by Cronus3166

Just picked up the program last week and have been getting myself familiar with it. I want to start off by saying:
One, I really like this program, it's very easy to use and figure out how to adjust things.

Two, I came over from using Campaign Cartographer and although I could make decent maps with that program, the learning curve was pretty steep and I felt I wouldn't ever be able to create maps like I was seeing online. Then I came across this program when Googling for other Map Making Software, did some research on it and decided to pull the trigger and buy into the beta.

I've actually even been able to take some of the themes I used from that program (I liked the art packs I bought) and convert them over to OWM.

** That being said, the point of this post!

One of the features I used a lot in CC was the ability to change the color of Symbols. Like Mountains, Trees, Cities, various other symbols. And I didn't know if that would be something you were looking into or thought would be possible to add.

Thanks! And keep up the good work. Beta 4 feels like a solid upgrade from the little time I spent with Beta 3.

Re: Variable Color Options for Features

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 12:31 pm
by Kanchou
Cronus3166 wrote:Hello,

Just picked up the program last week and have been getting myself familiar with it. I want to start off by saying:
One, I really like this program, it's very easy to use and figure out how to adjust things.

Two, I came over from using Campaign Cartographer and although I could make decent maps with that program, the learning curve was pretty steep and I felt I wouldn't ever be able to create maps like I was seeing online. Then I came across this program when Googling for other Map Making Software, did some research on it and decided to pull the trigger and buy into the beta.

I've actually even been able to take some of the themes I used from that program (I liked the art packs I bought) and convert them over to OWM.

** That being said, the point of this post!

One of the features I used a lot in CC was the ability to change the color of Symbols. Like Mountains, Trees, Cities, various other symbols. And I didn't know if that would be something you were looking into or thought would be possible to add.

Thanks! And keep up the good work. Beta 4 feels like a solid upgrade from the little time I spent with Beta 3.


It's great to hear you are liking Other World Mapper so far! The next release will be a big milestone for us so we appreciate any and all feedback going into it :).
OWM is open so you can bring any artwork into it, so I'm glad you've been able to use your artwork from CC3.

Regarding the coloring of symbols. What type of coloring are you referring to? Currently OWM has the option for features to do "stamping" which basically colorizes a symbol to a particular color respecting the alpha component. That's useful for gray scale symbols, but not so much for highly colored symbols.

Would that work for your needs? Or are you thinking of a more advanced feature like Photoshop's replace color?


- Alejandro

Re: Variable Color Options for Features

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 1:02 pm
by Cronus3166
I've used the Stamp feature, and it works in a pinch, but you lose any detail the icon might have had. So I guess it would be more Photoshop replace?

I wasn't sure how to post an image as an example, so I've attached one. If that doesn't work I can try again to post the image into the message.

Re: Variable Color Options for Features

Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 6:33 pm
by smithy
Where did you get these features? I don't recognize them from OWM?


Re: Variable Color Options for Features

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 3:09 pm
by Cronus3166
They're not from OWM, they are from Campaign Cartographer, but I was able to import them into OWM.

They are the work of Mike Schley, I like his stuff. :)

Re: Variable Color Options for Features

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 5:12 pm
by Kanchou
ProFantasy has built up really large collection of awesome artwork over the years, so for anyone that has their art collection/packs you bring them/use them with OWM.

Regarding the color changing, are those symbols in CC3 vector files or PNG? That is, are those their "varicolor" symbols?


- Alejandro

Re: Variable Color Options for Features

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 7:43 pm
by Cronus3166
Sorry for the late response, been a busy couple of weeks!

They are PNG files. One of the file names are: "Great Peak sc 1 vari_01_VH.PNG"

I'm not sure if what's what you need or not :(