This had been bugging me in 1.03, but I never got around to reporting it. It seems better in 1.04, but I'm not sure it's 100% fixed, or if it's just less noticeable. Or maybe I've just gotten lucky so far and haven't seen it bad yet in 1.04. So while I'm posting about a few other things I figured I'd post about this one too to see if you had any thoughts.
To recreate:
Draw a Landmass.
Select the Border tool (sometimes seems to work with Regions as well). Make sure Following is enabled.
(To accentuate the effect, set the Outline on the Border to 1 px, 100% opaque, and a different color than the Landmass's Outline.)
Click on the edge of the Landmass to start drawing a Border following the Landmass.
Click a few times around the edge of the Landmass to run the Border all the way around the Landmass.
Close the Border by clicking on its starting point, being sure to maintain Following.
If you are (un)lucky, the Border will now protrude either into or out of the Landmass by a few pixels at the starting point.
Even if it looks right, if you use the Edit Shape tool on the Border, there's a lot of extra stuff happening around the starting point.
Here's an example of what it looks like when it goes wrong:
Closing Border while Following Creates Extra Points
Moderator: Kyete
Re: Closing Border while Following Creates Extra Points
I see what you mean. Looking at the points, I think what's happening is when you click to finish it's adding 2 line segments instead of 1: the first is a copy of the landmass outline and the second is a tiny line connecting the end of that line to the starting point. I've added it to our list and get it fixed as soon as possible. Thank you for pointing it out!