Beta V0.8.5 Released!

Development feedback on user interface, features and general design.

Moderator: Kyete

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Beta V0.8.5 Released!

Post by Kanchou » Tue Jul 26, 2016 12:43 pm

Beta 5 is out!

Everyone should have received a product update email. If you didn't please let us know! Also let us know if the email ended up under spam.

Change Log
Features Added:
OWM-025 Added variable stroke width rivers and corresponding UI changes. Each branch can have a begining and ending width. Also, "alt + click" while adding points creates a new branch (even if continuing from the previous one). This allows to set "breaks" in the width control.
OWM-163 Features, labels and travel Routes on canvas are now shown above all items.
OWM-166 Added generic shape and generic line tools.
OWM-171 Rotation angle is now retained and selection bounds don't reset. This is particularly useful for dungeon items so that they can be scaled once rotated without distorting proportions. Added the ability to "reset" the rotation angle via the transform toolbar.
OWM-212 Added rotation to the texture options of "flood fill" textures.
OWM-213 Added printing, including printing preview and scalling.
OWM-279 First point of add or substract mode no longer allowed outside item (previously it was allowed, but the result "add" or "substract" shape was ignored).
OWM-287 Changed layers to show landmasses under canvas.
OWM-289 Added rulers with multiple supported units (enabled from "View" menu).
OWM-291 Selection from layers window now defaults to transform tool (only exception is if the select tool is selected).
OWM-292 Tutorial window now behaves like other program windows.
OWM-304 Added open path size/width keyboard shortcuts.
OWM-310 Added option for single and drag feature mode to auto cycle (list order and random) through the current category selected for features. Future releases will include the ability to create custom lists of artwork, etc. instead of only using the existing categories.
OWM-311 Added functionality to the art manager tool to ignore/not load art sets by unchecking its checkbox. Ignore settings are stored in registry.

Functional Problems Fixed:
OWM-277 Merging parent items now properly copies children to the resulting parent.
OWM-281 Fixed issue where when doing a Bezier point (click and hold outside landmass), the point isn't allowed, but the bezier controls still get considered causing strange effects.
OWM-286 Deleting a bookmarked preset no longer causes crash.
OWM-288 Change application to parse art resources but only load them when needed, avoiding unnecessary memory usage and slow load times.
OWM-290 Fixed issue with Apply To Children and doors.
OWM-293 Fixed issue where a closed item (shape, structure, landmass, etc) wouldn't allow new points along one of the segments after moving a point.
OWM-295 Grid and projections overlays options now properly added to undo/redo stack.
OWM-296 Fixed issue with exporting of labels that would cause some to vanish/appear at the far left side of the file.
OWM-297 Selecting default theme now properly applies it.
OWM-302 Cleaned up numerous minor functional issues.
OWM-303 Cleaned up numerous minor UI issues.

Cosmetic Problems Fixed:

Usability Problems Fixed:

Known Problems:
See Forums for up to date list.

Artwork Changes:
Alejandro S. Canosa
Three Minds Software

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